Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Thu, 31 Jul 2008

1:02 PM - CVS mirror

 I've setup an anonymous cvs mirror (pserver) for MidnightBSD.  This is rsync'd every two hours from stargazer.  It won't help with bandwidth as it's still on the same network, but the system is much faster (sata, pentium d 805, ...) 

For instance, to checkout mports:

cvs -d co mports


tags: mports midnightbsd cvs


1:20 PM - rsync/firefox/thunderbird

I've updated the rsync port to 3.0.3 and fixed the Firefox port  The linux-thunderbird port was updated for a security issue last night.  

We're still having some problems with graphviz building on some systems and magus.  It works on both of my local systems.  graphviz is a show stopper for the 0.2 release at this point.  We need that port to build on magus before I can do the release.  The point of this release is to get users a security fixed version with recent packages.  0.3 is a feature/technology release.
