Mon, 3 Jul 2006

12:04 PM - Charles Babbage is the first programmer?

I read something on slashdot which led me to wikipedia today.  Unrelated, I started reading the article to discover that ada lovelace is no longer considered the first programmer.

It gets weirder.  I guess the wikipedia spin is that she corrected some errors in the first program.  However, some people don't even want to give her that much credit.

This is a very strage outcome.  The other odd factor is that prior to that publication ada lovelace did know babbage so its entirely possible she did write the programs.  I haven't read the actual documents these people are using, but it does open up questions.



(no subject)

Mon, 03 Jul 2006 04:00:00 +0000

I'd like to see the papers that prove Babbage wrote the programs. It seems that is where the biggest gap in the story is.