Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Thu, 17 Mar 2005

10:42 AM - (no subject)

At work right now. I feel like total shit. I got some lunch hoping it would help.. it didn't. I've already worked on 5 calls today and sent email about two others. I got most of the work done for today in an hour. Currently i'm rebooting after a ghost of my stupid co-workers computer. He installs every spyware bot he can find! Its so great. he had fucking oracle on there too. All gone now. :)

Next i get to install a bazillion windows updates.


10:44 AM - (no subject)

how exciting.. caryn logged in once to jj. :(


12:09 AM - (no subject)

I got tilak's computer fixed. I installed firefox.. maybe i'll get lucky and he'll use it! I also patched the machine more than normal because he is special about installing spyware.

Nick called in today so i've had to do everything myself. It really sucks.

I may take a nap when i get home. I feel bad still. I talked to caryn for a little bit on the phone. That helped some. I've got another homework assignment due monday.. those are very stressful on me. I need to develop the network code soon too. I may try to start one of those or work on jj tonight. Programming can be stress relieving for me at times. Plus getting those homework assignments done early definetely would help.


12:12 AM - (no subject)

I need to check the date/time code on this thing.
