Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Fri, 19 Dec 2003

12:42 AM - Hmm...

Well i looked at rob's post in the database. I'll have to fix the comment.jsp page. It wasn't displaying because the new snapshot driver has a broken prepareStatement command. I had the same problem with the profiles page the other day.

Security and management of posts is a good idea. I was thinking about it last night. I should also get email notifications up.

As far as the comment goes, thats a typical thing for Rob to say. He's always dealt with critisism and insults in that manner since we first met. As far as I'm concerned, caryn can delete the comment but I dont' see any reason to delete his user account or anything like that.

If i want this site to be like livejournal, i have to keep things open. All users should be able to delete comments from their own journal.

I can't believe rob used farmerjackass as a username lol.

location: Home


8:48 PM - jj code updates

I just changed a bunch of sql statements to make them perform better. Hopefully it will help a bit. I also found several problems with componets not cleaning up properly. That should be fixed.

90 percent of the class files were updated.

location: Home


8:59 PM - Surfin'

I'm taking a break listening to itunes and surfing around. Its a nice change

location: Home
music: CCR - I heard it through the grape vine.
