Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Mon, 15 Sep 2003

6:38 AM - calendar

I finally got the calendar code working on this site last night. Woo HOO!

Its only taken me how many months? that link has been sitting there for so long.

Development time in java is much slower than microsoft technologies, but much faster once its up. This site is flying.

I plan on switching over to a more OO design soon which means major code reuse. For example, the friends, entries and calendar day views all use similar code to display journal entries.. those can be consolidated. I just havent' had the time.

I'm working on a gui component design that uses beans with special rendering methods. The calendar year view was the first code to take advantage of my ideas. I learned a lot from that experience. Its quite peppy cosidering its several objects.. in fact its an arraylist of several objects. (thats not a regular array btw)

I plan on implementing a new system soon to fix all the shortcommings in this design. I want this site ready for a community by 2004. We shall see. If not, at least i have an awesome private journal site.

Movable type sucks.

location: Home


6:57 PM - AHHHH

I hate ece250.. digital logic. I'm taking a break from it.. i feel dumber after trying to do it. it sucks.

I find myself logged into redhat linux. I think I might try to get this on my mom's computer so she can't get windows spyware anymore. I'm tired of that crap. She could use linux.. well at least as well as windows me.

my fucking ece class is getting on my nerves. This damn circuit design stuff is NOT ME. What a pain in the ass. Its like this.. he gives us a list of circuits diagrams and ICCs. We are supposed to know what an AND4 is and how to build one with a NAND4 + an inverter.. hell i didn't know what an inverter was last week.

Sure it sounds easy, but figure this out.. there are 3 inputs to a 4 input device.. plus either ground or VCC. Now how do i build an AND3 ? I have no idea. It just sucks.

Once i get through drawing these things i have to figure out the boolean logic to them and then simplify it and draw/design another series of compatible circuits. Mind you this is for PRE LAB. Come on.. now each of these on seperate problems for homework would not piss me off, but if i didn't do the first part write my entire pre lab is fucked up. Is that right? I think not.

God, i'm using linux.

what next?

location: Home
mood: Angry Angry
