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Sun, 29 Jun 2003

8:45 PM - DOH

I just deleted my entry i was writing in IE.

I used a gui program in windows to draw a floor plan today for money.

I also commented on working on this website.

The interesting part was about a vb program I wrote in .NET. It retrieves orders from a database and prints them, with no visible forms.. only 2 icons in the taskbar (actually notification bar by clock). One shows the program is loaded and the other only displays when its retriving records or formatting them. The text updates for the icon.

I do all of it in memory without temp files using a string buffer that I put in a reader so the printer controls can treat it like a text file. I thought it was slick since I'm not a gui programmer.

Only drawback to the program is that it must stay in memory to print new orders.. and its 8mb in ram (it is a .net program)

It has an internal timer thats set for 30 minutes and I hacked it so it doesn't max out the cpu while its running.. I run an infinite while loop with a sleep 1000 statement... basically the thread sleeps every second in the loop. On my machine i see 3 percent spikes and on the clients (non debug mode) i see zero.

location: Home


8:54 PM - JJ

Based on my last post I just had an idea.. when i get around to writing the windows client for this site.. i will use and setup a notification icon that changes to a flag or something like netscape used to do when a friend posts new entries. I can also allow quick posts. that would be kewl.

Wish I could do that on the mac...

location: Home
