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Wed, 11 Jun 2003

9:51 PM - :)

I'm working on a win 2k server right now. Hopefully I can get it ready over the next few days. Its been a few years since I administered a windows server. The last one was for Rob. Ironically, I have a similar setup on this one. Imail Express, SQL, MS DNS, and IIS are installed. I plan on running secondary dns on my freebsd server for this box. Its not my server though.

I am happy with freebsd for the time being. I do wish java 1.4 was finished and another webserver product was available that I liked. Apache 2 is nice, but I don't like the fact that everything is modular.. i think it should have some scripting language builtin.. for administration purposes and performance... i have mine so hacked up with php, perl and java crap its not funny. I almost like the Sun One webserver, but the only affordable way to get that is to buy a Sun fire v100 or v120 server. I was rather disappointed when i found out that jetty uses the tomcat engine anyway.. it defeated the purpose of using it for me. Jigsaw looks promising but its a pain to configure. Tomcat does not have enough features to run standalone.. i've thought about it seriously though. If I get over my problems understanding java.. maybe i can write my own webserver someday. That would be great! My first objective for the time being is to either use tapestry or use some of the code in tapestry or write code to deal with the servlet api in a nicer manner. I hate it. Session state is DUMB. My problem is with integer data types.. i wish i could take a java class or somethng.. dont have the money.

JustJournal is working, but it is infantile compared to my .NET code or even my vb 6 code.

location: Home
mood: Tired Tired
music: Serve the Ego - Jewel - Remix
