Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Sat, 2 Jan 2010

3:19 PM - Software update

I've just released an update to allow authenticated users to access their PDF/RTF of their blog.  


3:31 PM - The good, the bad and the ugly

The new site update introduced a few new features and a few new bugs.  I'm now using jtidy to process HTML based blog posts.  It cleans up several invalid HTML tags.  However, it's also formatting the entire blog post as an HTML page.  Until I can extract the body of the post out, it may cause a few rendering bugs in browsers and add extra white space around entries in PDFs.  Sorry about that.

The good news is that PDFs can now include private blog entries when you are logged in and accessing your own blog.  It should also work if your blog is marked private. 
