Thu, 5 Jan 2012

5:05 AM - Do You Possess The Right Business Acumen To Make It Big In Your Chosen Field

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires a person to possess numerous traits, with the right business acumen being the most important of them all. In simple words, business acumen is the ability of a person to understand the business they are involved and take vital decisions that will ensure greater profits and benefits for their venture. Most successful entrepreneurs including the catering mogul, Rhona Silver have achieved the heights of success only because of their great business acumen. As such, for entrepreneurs interested in making a name for themselves in their chosen field, it is vital to sharpen the skills that will help them to operate their venture in a better manner.

Having the right business acumen enables entrepreneurs to not only identify business opportunities that can help in the overall growth of their organization but also prevents them from wasting time and effort on options that might prove counter-productive. One of the most common methods of enhancing your business operation skills is to study the relevant articles, and books that would directly affect the products and services being offered by your organization. Alternately entrepreneurs can choose to attend various workshops conducted both online and offline to train people about how to enhance their business skills. In fact, nowadays it is also possible to find short duration courses aimed at helping people to improve their business operation skills.

Another method which is not commonly practiced by entrepreneurs but proves to be more effective is learning through practical experience. In fact, irrespective of the number of books an entrepreneur studies, or the range of seminars and workshops he attends, they might prove totally useless unless one were to test the strategies learned through them in a practical manner. Since this method involves considerable risk of losing valuable time and money, it is better for entrepreneurs to apply this strategy only to business options that might not require a large amount of investment.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Wed, 18 Jan 2012

3:25 AM - Understanding Strategic Planning And Its Importance In Business Success

One of the most important factors that can cause any entrepreneur to succeed or fail in his business venture is his ability to do strategic planning. Contrary to what most entrepreneurs think, strategic planning rather than a one time event, is a continuous process that not only ensures the overall growth of the business but also increases its overall profitability. It requires an entrepreneur to have the great combination of business acumen and foresight to assess not only the changing market trends but also turn them in favor of his organization. One of the best examples of strategic planning to ensure greater success for her business has been set by Rhona Silver, by launching

The best strategic planning policies are those that are developed in accordance with both the long term goals and short term requirements of a business venture. This ensures that the organization's long term clients, income and expansion plans are not disturbed while at the same time any short term transition polices are implemented and deadlines easily met. It is also vital to take into account factors such as technological developments or market influences or even changing consumer requirements while planning long term policies for the growth of a business. In addition, issues such as inflation, raw material shortage or even rising competition need to be considered for effective strategic planning on a long term basis.

It is vital for entrepreneurs to understand that proper strategic planning provides a specific direction for growth for an organization by taking into account all the usual hindrances that might be expected. In addition, it helps in clearly outlining the role of every individual in an organization towards achieving the target and hence provides a sense of involvement and responsibility to the employees. Being a visionary entrepreneur, Rhona Silver has acknowledged the importance of strategic planning in the success of any business as is evident in the way she operates her catering venture.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Wed, 25 Jan 2012

1:22 AM - Earning Success in Wedding Catering Services

The one occasion that is of extreme importance in the lives of most people, apart from their birthdays, is their wedding. And since weddings are once in a lifetime occasion for most people, they want it to be perfect in every manner. That is why people prefer to hire professional and well-known wedding caterers to organize the most important event of their lives. For most people owning a wedding catering business, achieving the level of success as obtained by Rhona Silver is the dream of their lifetime, which can be realized by following the below mentioned guidelines.

1. To be a really successful wedding catering services provider, entrepreneurs need to add versatility to their services. This means that they should be well prepared to cater for the diverse types of wedding ceremonies and associated rituals with the same efficiency and professionalism.

2. It is vital to pay great attention to even the smallest requirements of the clients and ensure that the same are fulfilled to the complete satisfaction of the client in a timely manner. Stick to the specifics provided by the client and in case you want to make any changes, seek the permission of your client first.

3. Taking precautions to maintain the freshness and hygiene of the food and the drinks supplied by your company play a vital role in ensuring the success of your organization. Wherever possible, use fresh vegetables, herbs and other ingredients and ensure that food that spoils too quickly is not prepared in bulk quantities or too long before it is to be served.

4. Use innovative ideas to serve food and drinks so that the guests remember your services not only for the excellent taste of the food but also for the unique way in which it was offered to them. Remember that one of the reasons for the immense success of Rhona Silver are her amazingly creative ideas of food presentation at the various events organized by her catering company.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Wed, 8 Feb 2012

Tue, 14 Feb 2012

7:37 AM - The Importance Of Taking An Offline Venture Online

The enormous power of internet has made it one of the most essential commodities in the modern times. Today people use internet not only to communicate with their loved ones but also to gather information about various topics, obtain new technical and professional skills and most importantly carry on business dealings across the globe. Among the various uses of internet, the one that has seen unprecedented growth in the past few years has been its utilization for business purposes. While visionaries like Rhona Silver expanded their ventures into the virtual world a long time back, there are numerous entrepreneurs, who are still thinking about making the transition.

Often it is the limited knowledge about the usability and the benefits of conducting their business through the net that prevents entrepreneurs from taking their ventures online. However, with the advances in internet technology, people are increasingly opting for e-commerce options. This trend is further enhanced by the fact that almost all major brands are making their products and services available to the global costumers through their online websites. With online shopping providing an easy and comfortable means of getting the choicest products from across the globe, it is really no surprise that internet is becoming the world's biggest marketplace.

The use of internet for business promotion has proven extremely beneficial not only for the consumers but also the organizations as well. The customers are now able to easily shop for things that were quite inaccessible to them due to their being available only in certain regions around the world. On the other hand, entrepreneurs like Rhona Silver have used internet to provide an international platform to local ventures.

With facility of internet, entrepreneurs no longer need to maintain elaborate set-ups in various countries of the world to attract customers from that region, and can simply cater to the needs of their clients by opening up a small office and conducting most business online.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Tue, 28 Feb 2012

1:18 AM - Learning About The Different Types of Catering Equipments Required By Caterers

Having the right kind of equipment is a pre-requisite for establishing successful catering business. However, given the wide range of equipments and appliances available to modern day caterers, it becomes even more difficult for such entrepreneurs to work out which of them would be commercially viable. However, before entrepreneurs start searching for the most useful cookery equipments, they need to consider two major things. The first is the type of catering venture they want to establish and second is the budget they can spare for buying such tools. Generally catering equipment is categorized into three main types each of which is discussed below.

1. Equipment For Storing Food: The most common equipment used for storage of food in the catering business is commercial freezers and refrigerators. The choice of the most suitable refrigerator or freezer depends mainly on the proposed size of the business as well as the type of catering services being offered by the establishment.

2. Equipment For Preparing Food: Modern day caterers can choose from a wide range of food preparation equipments which include commercial stoves, gas burners, convection ovens and even commercial deep fryers. Caterers also need to ensure that the cookware vessels they choose for their establishment is compatible with the type of heat source they would be using including gas, electricity or even ceramic hobs. Other associated tools used in preparation of food such as cutting boards, measuring devices, knives, and blenders and mixers should be selected purely on the basis of their sturdiness and longevity.

3. Equipment For Serving And Delivery Of Food: For delivering the food to the venue and serving it to guests in the most convenient manner, only the best equipment meant for this purpose should be used. This includes food delivery vans which are properly air-conditioned to keep the food fresh, serving equipments such as platters, plates, glasses, cutlery and a wide range of serving dishes. In fact, for most modern caterers, the serving equipments also include chairs, tables and even table decorations

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: silver rhona


Fri, 2 Mar 2012

Mon, 12 Mar 2012

2:48 AM - Create a Specialized Niche For Your Catering Business

This is the time and era of specialisation where most people don't really mind shelling out extra money if they are getting services of a specialist in return. So, if you are not making much headway in your catering business at the moment then creating a specialized niche may just work out for you. Catering Queen Rhona Silver believed that only thing that limits caterers is their imagination. There are always customers looking for niche caterers that do one thing but do it better than anyone else and don't care for moolah it costs to hire them.

The idea of specialty caterers opens endless possibilities for those who have an imagination and are not afraid to try their own thing. For instance, while most caterers offer their services for any type of occasions, there are some that specialize in birthday parties or wedding parties. They must ensure that they make the event unforgettable for the clients with their innovative ideas and hard work.

Then there are caterers that specialize in ethnic catering. There is always demand for caterers that can provide good Thai, Italian or Indian food for those events where these communities are present in majority. For instance, Italians get together for the San Gennaro Festival, and Russian celebrate Maslenitsa, the Spring Festival. Kosher catering is another segment that has a wide scope. There are many different type of Kosher certification, where a caterer can specialize in either meat, fish dishes, or dairy dishes. Kosher caterers are expected to use strictly kosher ingredients and many of them enjoy exclusive contracts with the catering halls at large synagogues to provide food for all occasions such as weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs etc.

It goes without saying that Kosher caterers charge a premium over non-Kosher ones because its ingredients are more expensive and they have to stick to Jewish traditions and laws while cooking as well as serving food. The best thing is that you do not have to be Jewish to specialize in Kosher food.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Fri, 16 Mar 2012

4:10 AM - Rhona Silver And - Providing An Edge To Catering Services

Whether it is organizing a birthday party for kids or planning a welcome dinner for a visiting foreign delegation, Rhona Silver can help you obtain high quality catering services at affordable prices through her website, During her career as a top notch caterer, her unique and creative ideas used to add elegance and style to numerous events organized by her, putting her in the league of the best caterers of America. Her tradition of paying great attention to every aspect of planning an event, right from coming up with the most innovative invitation ideas to selecting the most suitable decoration for the venue, is largely followed by caterers bidding through her website today. Consequently, people, who use to search for caterers for organizing an event, are rarely left with anything to complain about.

Rhona Silver always worked hard to turn every event organized by her into an unforgettable occasion. To achieve such an outcome, she used to have detailed and extensive communication with her clients and learn about their taste as well as their likes and dislikes prior to making all the necessary arrangements for a successful and memorable event. Through, Ms. Silver provides a platform to numerous people desirous of organizing an event, to not only clearly spell out their expectations but also choose the catering service providers they consider most appropriate and affordable, without ever having to step out of their homes.

Blessed with an innovative mind and ability to think out of the box, Rhona Silver became the first catering entrepreneur to identify the power and impact of internet and use it to bridge the gap between the numerous catering service providers and hundreds and thousands of prospective clients. Her futuristic thinking helped open a new chapter in the field of catering and hospitality besides making her a name to reckon with in the catering and hospitality industry. She has been a constant source of inspiration to numerous young entrepreneurs looking to achieve their dreams beyond the established norms.

To find out about Rhona Silver and the professional catering services offered through her web portal across America, please visit

tags: rhona silver


Wed, 21 Mar 2012

2:24 AM - Are You Ready To Launch Your Catering Company

Are you considering starting your own catering company but having jitters? Sometime, all you need is a leap of faith but having a feasible business plan as well is a better idea. Success comes to those who dare and act. In fact, you don't have to look far and wide as business opportunities in catering are plenty. However, planning the basics before you start out is a pre-requisite. Find a catchy name for your company to attract people's attention and get some talented and experienced people to work with you. Ideally, you should have some kind of prior experience in catering as it helps to know the nitty-gritty of it to make it profitable. Parents of catering guru, Rhona Silver were into catering business which helped her in later years when she started her own catering company. However, if you can construct a practical business plan and get organised by calculating the investment, expenses, possible income, and possible profit, you have won half the battle.

There are several occasions on which people require the services of caterers basically because the gathering is large and they want to give their guests a memorable time. Moreover, the organisers don't want to be bothered with the task of preparing and serving food. For instance, on weddings, birthday parties, anniversary parties, bridal showers, baby showers etc. hosts want to enjoy the company of their guests without worrying about food. Moreover, since these events happen all round the year, so you are not likely to run out of business.

Along with parties, corporate events like meetings, conferences and other corporate functions also require catering services. Right kind of supplies as well as trained staff is vital if you want to get repeated business for these formal and professional events. Lastly, success in catering business comes to those who leave no stone unturned to satisfy clients with the quality of food and service. Who could be a better example than Rhona Silver , who achieved unprecedented success by her hard work and never say die spirit?

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: silver rhona


Fri, 30 Mar 2012

2:11 AM - Rhona Silver- An Incredible Journey From A Struggler To A Winner

The success story of Rhona Silver has been told many times and has become a constant source of inspiration for entrepreneurs hoping to make it big in their respective fields. Although she faced numerous hindrances in her journey to success, her love for the catering business and her burning desire to do something big enabled her to overcome all the obstacles and reach the top in an area traditionally dominated by men. The values and spirit instilled in her by her parents as a child gave Ms. Silver the strength to face every new challenge with confidence. Every downfall helped in enhancing her maturity level and every success motivated her to keep on targeting new milestones.

As if stress of tumultuous marriage was enough, its abrupt end shattered Rhona Silver completely. However, the responsibility of being a single mom made her look beyond her personal grief and give a fresh start to her life. While most women facing similar circumstances would have settled for a regular job, she took on the challenge of expanding her small catering business. Her charismatic personality speaks volumes about her struggles and the manner in which she rose above all the vicissitudes in her life to become the most successful catering entrepreneur of the modern times.

As quoted rightly by her, although Rhona was born with the name of Silver she never had the advantage of being born with a silver spoon. But today her achievements, innovations and creativity justify her being her called as the caterer with the golden touch. Besides handling a successful business, Rhona Silver has also become well known for her commitment to various social causes especially helping women who have been the victims of domestic violence.

Although Rhona Silver has been awarded numerous honors and recognitions, her down to earth attitude and pleasing personality enable her to easily win the hearts of people she comes in contact with. This is perhaps why she has an immense network of friends and acquaintances, who not only admire her but also respect her for her personal as well as professional success.

To find out about Rhona Silver and the professional catering services offered by her organization across America, please visit

tags: rhona silver


Mon, 9 Apr 2012

2:35 AM - Rhona Silver The Woman Behind Making Event Planning A Child Play

Catering Queen Rhona Silver has always been known for her ability to think out of the box, a quality that enabled her to win laurels not only for herself but her catering business as well. Her single minded dedication towards providing the best services to her clients ensured that she became the first choice of individuals for organizing successful events of diverse nature. Today, after becoming a name to reckon with in the catering industry of America, Ms. Silver inspires numerous young entrepreneurs to fulfill their dreams and make a name of themselves in their chosen area of business.

When Rhona Silver launched, few people realized that she was laying the foundation for revolutionizing the catering business not only in America but around the globe. This decision once again highlighted her farsightedness and her commitment towards client interests. She was able to understand the impact of internet on the everyday lives of people in the modern times and choose it to provide a catering solution that not only ensured greater profit for the caterers but also made event organization much easier and hassle free for the customers. Being a dedicated catering businesswoman, Ms Silver, has made it possible for people to plan an event within a specific budget limit, at a location of one's choice along with a preferred menu option, with nothing more than a few mouse clicks.

Even though she was the first caterer to invest in such a bold venture, it did not stop her from setting up a website that was to become a benchmark for ushering the American catering business into the 21st century. Having the support of her son Mathew and daughter Rebecca, Rhona Silver was guided by her 40 years of experience in the catering industry to establish an online system which besides making the process of event planning fun filled and easy, also made it extremely affordable and less time consuming.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home.

To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: silver rhona


Wed, 11 Apr 2012

2:28 AM - Rhona Silver Inspiring Professionals And Individuals To Create Valentine Magic

Valentine day is that time of the year when people make every effort to reassure their partners of their unconditional love and commitment. While couples attach great sentimental value to this day, it is also a day of profit making for numerous business people whose products are relevant to the feeling of expressing love. One such business community is that of hospitality and catering community. With countless parties and events being organized by people not only across America but also across the globe, this sure is one day when even expert caterers look up seek inspiration from the catering queen Rhona Silver to help them organize truly unique and memorable bashes.

Since innovation and creativity is the forte of Rhona Silver , it is only natural that people flock her catering website in large numbers to look up for ideas that might make their evening special. In fact, many caterers tend to copy her style and organize an event in the same manner as she would have done. People are greatly fascinated with her unique invitation themes and ideas, her great sense of decoration and even her way of arranging food to represent the theme of the event. Despite the fact that Ms. Silver no longer participates actively in direct event organization, her well tried out and practiced ideas add style and elegance to numerous parties even today.

Rhona Silver inspires not only professional caterers, but also individuals who want to give a special V-day treat to that special person in their lives. Her knack for developing a simple idea into an exquisite and wonderful event helps people to plan a truly surprising, memorable and romantic Valentine evening without actually spending a fortune. Although such planning might seem quite difficult, it surely is better than rummaging through crowded restaurants or party halls. With just a little help from Ms. Silver and adding personal touches, people can celebrate a romantic evening together.

Rhona Silver founded to help people in finding the most suitable and affordable catering options easily right from their homes. To plan any event and to get the appropriate catering offers, visit

tags: silver rhona


Sat, 14 Apr 2012

1:34 AM - Rhona Silver Perspective on Organizing Great Wedding Receptions

In the recent years the expense for organizing a good wedding reception has sky rocketed, with most people going way beyond their means to have their wedding organized in a royal style. Although the recent economic recession has affected this trend to some extent, couples are still willing to go over-the-top to arrange a perfect party for their friends and acquaintances on their special day. However, ace caterer Rhona Silver feels that while it is good idea to celebrate your special day in a unique manner, breaking your bank for the same is definitely not a sensible decision.

Rhona Silver feels that a major reason for couples going over-budget while planning their wedding reception is their ignorance of the catering business and concepts. In fact, most couples feel that hiring catering services is not much different from hiring a wedding dress designer or a hair stylist. Sadly, this often causes them to spend much more than their budget. They rarely realize the fact that when it comes to catering, the cost is calculated on the basis of price per person and this does not include the service charges.

According to Rhona Silver, the most important aspect of organizing a great reception is not focused on choosing the right caterer or the best venue or even a perfect menu. Rather it is more about the people attending the reception and their ability to have fun and enjoy themselves. While the kind of food being served or even the music being played is critical for the success of any party, it is the basic emotion of love and feeling of happiness for a loved one that really sets the mood of the party. Other aspects such as the type of decoration, the table linen and china or even the choice of centerpieces only help to enhance the sense of pleasure and celebration. And in order to make these things perfect, it is vital to add a little bit of personal touch and creativity.

Rhona Silver founded to help people in finding the most suitable and affordable catering options easily right from their homes. To plan any event and to get the appropriate catering offers, visit

tags: silver rhona


Wed, 25 Apr 2012

3:26 AM - The Essentials For Planning A Successful Barbeque Party

One of the most favored party ideas during the summer season is the barbecue party with family and friends. And when it comes to partying, it is quite natural for most people to look up to Rhona Silver for innovative ideas and party flavors, which are sure to make the get-together really successful and enjoyable. Apart from planning the menu, there are numerous other things that party organizers need to consider while planning a barbecue party, most of which are listed below.

1. Since summer is the time when most people like to party outdoors, it is vital to ensure that the space available is big enough to accommodate all the guests without giving any feeling of being overcrowded. If possible make seating arrangements for at least half the number of people you expect to attend the party.

2. Set up the barbeque oven at the farthest corner of the party venue so that any smokes and fumes that arise while preparing the food do not spoil the ambience of the party. Moreover, it is also ensure safety for those who are allergic to smoke.

3. While deciding the menu for the party makes sure that you don’t ignore traditional barbeque dishes such a potato salad and corn on the cob. Even top notch caterers like Rhona Silver do not plan a barbecue party without including these classics.

4. In case you are preparing the barbeque dishes on your own, make sure that you make some preparations in advance so that you do not spend the entire time over the hot grill and completely miss out the fun of the party.

5. Since most barbeque parties are planned to enjoy a relaxing time with family and friends, make sure to plan your event on a weekend or a public holiday so that your guests can really let their hair down and enjoy the party to the fullest.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Sat, 28 Apr 2012

2:52 AM - Rhona Silver The Party Planner For Presidents And Commoners

The one thing that makes Rhona Silver stand head and shoulders above other catering entrepreneurs is the fact that she caters to the needs of all her clients with the same zealousness and passion irrespective of their financial or social standing. Whether she is organizing a fund raising event for a Presidential candidate or is planning a wedding for the daughter of a middle-class couple, Ms. Silver strove hard to bring the same air of festivity and success to every event planned by her. It is her unprejudiced attitude about treating each of her clients in the equal footing that has made her a preferred caterer not only among celebrities and dignitaries but among the masses as well.

Rhona Silver understands the fact that people belonging to the elite section of society generally organize events and parties on a regular basis and even more for entertainment or business purposes. But for most common people organizing a large function or get together is not a frequent affair. However, the one thing that is common between these two diverse groups of people is that they both want their events to be well- planned, memorable and successful. That is why they hire professional catering services with the hope of obtaining that unique look and feel for their event which would make their guests not only feel relaxed and happy but leave an indelible mark on them.

Ms. Silver knows the catering business inside out and even at the acme of success as a full time caterer, she did not consider any task or responsibility too insignificant for her personal care. For her, client satisfaction on every level is the most important goal of organizing an event and she leaves no stone unturned to ensure that the events organized through her company are not only well organized but also fun filled and unforgettable.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Tue, 1 May 2012

2:25 AM - Rhona Silver- Using Her Web Portal To Provide Helpful Tips To Caterers

Rhona Silver has always been renowned for her zeal to provide the best services to her clients, irrespective of their social and economic backgrounds. It is her absolute dedication towards client satisfaction that made her to multiple-task for event organization and catering during her tenure as a professional caterer. For many hosts she was not only taking care of the food, venue, and décor and even seating arrangements but also helping them with other unrelated issues such as choosing the most suitable bouquets, helping in selecting a party dress or even sending out invitations. In fact, Rhona's biggest motive behind establishing was to provide better services to event organizers in an easy and tension free manner.

Irrespective of her allegiance towards her clients, Rhona Silver is first and foremost a catering professional. As such she is as committed towards raising the standards of her industry as she is towards providing her clients with services that offer the best value for their money. This is evident from the fact that she uses not only to provide helpful tips to people, who want to get and event organized but also to caterers for creating better profiles. Her experience in catering industry spanning over 40 years has enabled her to develop a knack of understanding what people want from their caterers and she willingly shares this information on her website to ensure better business opportunities for caterers registered with her website.

It is a well known fact that catering is the first love of Rhona Silver and consequently she makes every effort to ensure that people joining the industry are respected for their choice of profession. That is why she makes constant efforts to help develop a professional attitude amongst her peers and juniors and make them realize the fact that the only way they can achieve success in this profession is by being creative and quality conscious.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Wed, 9 May 2012

2:20 AM - Rhona Silver - Celebrating The Success Of Caterbid With A Hollywood Entry

The taste of success is not new for Rhona Silver nor is her zest for finding new peaks to conquer. This has been proven once again as the catering guru is all set to make her online catering portal, progress into the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Reportedly, Bray Entertainment, which is renowned as the co-creator of the hit TV show Pawn Stars, is to work in association with to produce a new TV show that will focus on the catering industry. Although the details of the said show have not been revealed, it surely seems to be an exciting idea.

Although Rhona Silver launched only about a year back, it became an instant hit among people seeking diverse catering solutions for a wide range of events. This innovative brainchild of Ms. Silver has helped to usher the catering industry into the 21st century with the style and grandeur that has been associated with the catering business for long. And now with set to début on the silver screen, it is really a matter of time before people begin to associate with this modern method of event organization which is much more convenient and cost effective.

For this latest venture, is seeking individuals and companies that are running any kind of catering services across America. People can visit the website to know the details that they need to provide along with their casting video. The invitation is open to all catering business owners between the ages of 25-60 and desirous of making it big in their field. Once again Rhona Silver is proving that she is one person for whom catering is more than just a profession. As she prepares to take her website a step further and add to her vast list of achievements, she surely is also helping numerous caterers to promote their business in the most effective and effortless manner.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: silver rhona


Mon, 14 May 2012

1:55 AM - Rhona Silver and Her Initial Years In The World Of Catering

The success of an entrepreneur is generally measured in terms of popularity of the products and services offered by the business they operate. By this measure, Rhona Silver is undoubtedly the most successful catering entrepreneur across America. However, contrary to what many people think, catering was definitely not the only profession that Ms. Silver opted for. In fact, despite having assisted her parents in their small catering business as a child, she forayed into professional catering only after her marriage broke down.

Even though Rhona Silver had gained considerable knowledge and experience in the catering business at a very young age, her craving for knowledge made her study for a teaching degree at Lehman College. A marriage and two kids later, she enrolled at Hafostra University to study for her law degree. She completed her course in just two years, although she had to take two double summer sessions for the same. Her mother offered constant support by coming over to look after her kids, who were quite young at the time. She even worked a teacher and taught students from elementary school to graduate school.

When her marriage finally ended in 1990, leaving her in charge of her two young children, Rhona Silver reassessed her options in life. She did not have the inclination to take up teaching as a career option and hence choose to opt for catering business, which she was sure she would be able to excel at. She chose to search for something that the market was missing. She did not have to search for long as she soon realized that the growing Jewish community in Long Island was craving for an upscale glatt kosher catering services provider. Although Ms. Silver did not know much about such services, she made it a point to familiarize herself with all its aspects before setting up her own glatt kosher catering service and the rest, as they say, is history.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: silver rhona


Sat, 26 May 2012

1:28 AM - Rhona Silver â?? A Supporting Child, A Loving Mother And A Great Entreprenuer

For most people Rhona Silver is one of the best catering entrepreneurs of the modern times, but for her family Ms. Silver is no less than a blessing. Be it her parents or her two children, Rhona's family feel great pride and honor in having her as a part of their lives. She herself considers her family to be her greatest strength and support system, without whose constant encouragement and guidance she feels that she couldn't have achieved what she has today.

As a child Rhona Silver helped and supported her parents in their catering business, even if it meant no free time for herself. Unlike other children, she rarely went out to play but this was the least of her concerns as she felt that she was doing the important job of helping her parents to make their clients feel happy and satisfied. She even endured the hardships of a difficult marriage without once complaining to her parents for the fear of upsetting them or making them worried and concerned.

Her dedication towards her children as a mother is also quite exemplary. After getting divorce from her estranged husband, Rhona Silver neither indulged in self pity nor did she seek another man's support to care and provide for her two small kids. Rather, she chose the unconventional path of venturing into the catering business and proving her worth along with handling all the responsibilities of bringing up her kids. Her dedication and efforts towards providing the best upbringing to her kids ensured that her son and daughter not only received the best education but also inherited the great value systems and sense of morality of their mother.

While Rhona Silver has achieved remarkable success as a professional caterer, she is no less than a shining star and a constant source of inspiration for her family. Her children have learned to respect and admire her sense of self-dependence and willingness to take every challenge head on, be it on the professional end or in her personal life.

To find out about Rhona Silver and the professional catering services offered through her web portal, please visit

tags: rhona silver


Tue, 5 Jun 2012

11:19 PM - Rhona Silver: Making Beautiful Memories on the Way

It is common knowledge that catering was not just another career option for Rhona Silver. Rather it was the one thing that she was most passionate about as she loved every moment and every aspect of the business. Born and raised in the midst of the smells and sounds of a small catering business owned by her immigrant parents in Bronx, N.Y., the business virtually ran in the blood of Ms. Silver. She started helping her parents, when she was just 10 years old and was comfortable and even eager to participate in everything, be it working in the coat room and the back of the house or learning to cook and make platters.

While other kids of her age went to play outside, she used to hang around her parents imbibing the tricks of the trade and sweating it out along with them. Today, years later she recalls those times as the happiest and most memorable moments she shared with her loved ones. It was also during this time that she learned the importance of paying attention to detail and the fact that the catering business was a one act show where there is no scope of second chances.

Even as a child Rhona Silver never shied away from hard work. Although she spent most of her free time helping her parents to run their business, she never sulked or felt burdened by it. Rather she felt elated for being able to put a smile on the faces of people on their special day through the services offered by the catering business owned by her family. Importance of perfect presentation was realized as she learned that while it might be possible to re-create a party, it was impossible to bring back the special moments that could be ruined due to a minor catering error, a truth she lives by even today.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver


Sun, 10 Jun 2012

11:00 PM - Rhona Silver â?? Inspiring Youngsters To Make A Successful Career In The Catering Industry

In the recent years the catering and hospitality has emerged as one of the most successful career option for young entrepreneurs. Most of these people are inspired by the phenomenal success achieved by Rhona Silver in this industry, and hence aspire to one day acquire the same respect and regard that she holds. Her rags to riches tale has helped numerous young entrepreneurs to realize the fact that nothing is impossible for people who are willing to work hard and remain focused on their objectives irrespective of the various hardships or hindrances that they might face.

Rhona Silver has become an icon of strong will, determination and absolute professionalism and it is quite common for young and novice caterers to copy her style and even her methodologies for establishing their business at least initially. With an increasing number of people preferring to hire the services of professional caterers to plan and organize a wide range of parties, celebrations and events, it is only natural that this business is becoming a lucrative option for entrepreneurs desirous of making it big in their chosen field. As such following the standards set by a veteran, who has been equally favored by the elite and the common people of the society is a sure way of winning the trust and respect of clients.

Rhona Silver is widely renowned for the grandeur and unique style of the events she organized. In addition, her ability to take on the additional responsibilities which were not within the scope of her catering profession was what endeared her to her clients the most. She planned and organized every event, irrespective of its being big or small with the same zealousness and enthusiasm. She was totally committed to providing the best service to her clients and offering them true value for their money. Young entrepreneurs aspiring to be like her need to remember these basic facts about Ms. Silver, which made her a class apart.

Rhona Silver founded with the aim of helping people find the most suitable and affordable catering options online for weddings, birthdays, engagements or any other occasion from the comfort of their home. To check out your options and get the best, most lucrative bids post your event at

tags: rhona silver
