Sat, 22 Apr 2023

2:47 PM - The upgrade from hell

This 10700 -> 11700 upgrade has turned into the bigest shitshow.? First, problem was on me.? The z490 motherboard I had didn't support the 11700.? Some can run 11th gen, but this one could not.? It killed the motherboard.? Wouldn't work with 10th gen or 11th gen chip.??

Ordered an asus tuf b560m plus motherboard. It works with the 11th gen or 10th gen CPUs with the caveat that one nvme m.2 slot is not supported on 10th gen.? VMWare will not boot on 11th gen reliably.? It has all sorts of random crashes.? It also requires turning off some bios options to even get that far (see previous post)?

Now I'm planning to remove all the drives, and put in two new drives and install FreeBSD 13.2 and setup bhyve instead. I'm over vmware esxi.? On supported hardware, it can be OK but after reading the bugs they fixed between 8.0 and 8.0.1 aka 8.0U1, it's not worth it.??

I have an old HP desktop with a 10700 in it.? I'm going to try to get some of the vmware drives working in that system to recover some of the VM data.? Then I'll do fresh installs in bhyve on the freebsd host, and copy the relevant stuff from the HP over.? Not sure if this is going to work but it seems like a better plan than trying to fight vmware any further.?

Had I upgraded to an AMD system, this would have worked. (at least through x570/b550 + ryzen 5000)? Now that I had to buy a CPU and motherboard, a side grade to AMD would have been a good call.? I didn't know that at the time.