Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Tue, 26 Jun 2007

11:10 AM - The 8 colors of Dell

Dell decided to join 1999 with the release of laptops in 8 colors. You may remember Apple, Inc. released the original iBook in two colors in 1999 (or 2000?) and the 5 flavor iMacs a little after that. Dell now wants to be "hip" with there tired OLD marketing plan. How nice for them. Worst of all it appears the inside is still the same ugly gray color. Some of those colors look terrible with that gray. UGLY.


11:51 AM - ENG 328

I just finished my English 328 portfolio stuff. I think I've got everything up. :)


11:51 AM - Kirk

I ran into Kirk today. He got a bunch of new intel iMacs in. He said he'd let me know when 10.5 comes in. That's kewl. (ADC)
