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Tue, 27 Mar 2007

11:55 PM - ahhh...

I spent two hours on a stupid bug again.  With my homework assignment, the gdb output was giving me a SIGBUS with a pthread function i wasn't calling.  I did rediculous debug statements trying to figure it out.  In fact I just turned it in with a few :(

Anyway, the stupid problem was that i wasn't always passing a string for the username but always trying to strncpy it!  I assumed it was a problem with threading for a time.  At least i got something turned in.  I was able to use two accounts simultaneously with it too.  (same accounts even) 

It was rather fast too.  Finally, the adb debugger on solaris sucks really bad.  gdb is much easier to use and gave meaningful output. 

At least the assignment is turned in.
