Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 23 Mar 2005

7:34 PM - DOH!

I've had a shitty day. Not getting into specific details, i had a programming assignment due and details on the worst test every coming on friday.

On a more upbeat note, i got a new book tonight ab BN called "Write great code" volume 1: understanding the machine. It actually teaches several things i did not get from several enegineering and one cs class at western. It certainly gives merit to rob's theory that people can graduate from college without learning shit. Without this book, I'd probably not know wtf was going on. Of course i could argue that in order to understand this book, my college courses in CS on other fronts have proven to be invaluable.

I have a academic advising appointment tomorrow with dr. nelson. I'm a little nervous about it since i've had a rough semester and my potential graduation date keeps getting pushed back. I'm at a point now i have to retake 2-3 classes before i can graduate. (depends on my current electrical engineering course, the test friday...) My computer sciences courses always go fine.. its really weird. I can do computer stuff, but the "related" shit i have a lot of trouble with. I really confuse some of the CS professors because of the trouble i have with Mathmatics in terms of CS. I can program and do system administration but i can't do math for shit lol.


7:40 PM - earlier this week..

Just to fill in the details, I had a meeting on monday for work. That was rough as we are taking over several departments IT needs from another WMU IT department. its not going well to say the least. Caryn and i spent a bunch of time yesterday in WMU apartments trying to ghost their boxes and then get these stupid ass programs to run in XP with novell zend installers that were designed for win2k and untested in xp. Plus the fact the permissions and settings are totally different in our division and the users are half ass migrated from one novell server to another. I HATE NOVELL!!!!!!! My idea of a good network topology at this point is several unix boxes, windows or OS X file servers (samba on of course!) , and mac/windows clients. Run os x as much as possible and the latest POS windows version for everyone else. Sure its three systems, but who gives a fuck.. it works good. No vender can distribute a perfect solution including apple. Apple tries to make linux/gnu freaks happy for no reason.

Xserve's are the best file servers i've ever seen in terms of speed. Caryn's box blows out our novell server in speed by at least 2 times. (xserve she administers) We also have a window server up for internal it use and its slightly faster than the novell box as of late but still slower than the xserve. I know apple has active directory integration with a modified ldap service now. Its kewl. I still think freebsd makes a kick ass mail and dns server though. If i had the money, i'd do an all xserve config or a hybrid xserve/freebsd pc config.

Caryn and i had some starbucks today and i had lunch at parkview campus. joy. Thats how i got the book at bn...see previous entry :)

My boss doesn't get whats going on with the damn novell problems. i'm hoping it will click soon as i feel like fred would have gotten it at this point. he doesn't pay attention to emails, employees, his bosses or anyone else lately. I joked with caryn he might have adult ADD ro something.

maybe no one has sucked his dick lately. I dont know.
