Fri, 5 May 2023

9:34 AM - Project Update

project update:

We're still restoring VMs from our recent server issue. Some services are back up, but we still have a few like Jenkins, OpenGrok, and build nodes for our package cluster to restore.

We've been running package builds on a single server lately. The latest amd64 run has had a few issues that we're working through.

mport package manager has received several updates in recent weeks. It now supports an audit command that lets you check for CVEs against a copy of the NVD data.
mport audit
mport audit -r
mport -q audit

The first version prints a list of all CVEs with descriptions for each package.

The second includes a list of packages that depend on this vulnerable port so you can also update those.

The third doesn't give details about the vulnerabilities and just prints a list of vulnerable packages with package name and package number using the "global" -q aka quiet flag.

This isn't included in MidnightBSD src git yet as we're working through a few bugs. You can check it out and try it now though git clone