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Sun, 14 Apr 2013

12:30 AM - 0.4 amd64 snap on FTP

We have a new snapshot uploading to the FTP server. It's the first snap in a year.  This snapshot is a little buggy, but does allow you to install MidnightBSD.

Please note there are many changes from 0.3-RELEASE:

1. Uses new midnightbsd partition types: mnbsd-ufs, mnbsd-boot, etc on GPT

2. ZFS is much newer than 0.3.  If you upgrade your pools, you can't use them with 0.3 anymore.

3. KMS with Intel Ivy Bridge graphics

4. Installer is completely different

5. hastd

6. updated mksh, BIND, tcsh, file, diff, binutils, mDNSResponder, libffi, openpam, openresolv, tnftp, tzcode, tzdata, wpa, xz, compiler_rt, sqlite3, ncurses, netcat, pf, traceroute, perl, openssh, openssl, less

7. updated from FreeBSD: make ipfw & ash, forth menus for the loader, bsdinstall, bsd sort, new USB stack, new cam based ATA, geom

8. llvm + clang

mport is the default package manager!

Major hardware support updates.. several wifi adapters, etc.
