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Mon, 9 Jun 2008

11:35 PM - and kaffe

I made some progress on open office 2.4 and kaffe today.  The former installs freedestkop style entries for gnome/kde menus, but does not execute quite right yet.  I suggest you use soffice with this port.  (linux-openoffice24) 

kaffe seems to work fine, although registervm does not properly set the path to the jdk with the javavmwrapper yet.  There's a file /usr/local/etc/javavms (as i recall) that has the invalid path to the ports directory.  Fix that after installation and it should work as expected.  This and linux-blackdown 14 are installable without a lot of fuss. (if you need java in a hurry) 

java/netbeans was updated to 6.1 tonight.  It works aside from a nag message about a missing solaris file.  The old version had fetching problems, so we went with the latest despite this bug. 

Either myself or one of the other port maintainers can tackle these at a later date.

ctriv and I met today to discuss current and future work with midnightbsd.  We've got an idea what our next steps are going to be.  I'll probably post more about my work soon. 

The gnome 2.22 fallout is still at play with mports.  This was compounded by perl bug that should be fixed.  It was not the perl port, but rather some code that sets the default version of perl within mports.  The next magus run should be more productive as we've isolated a few gnome issues and this perl fix should restore the mports collection.

Finally, stevan@ reported a bug in csup awhile back.  I finally got time to test it in a similar environment.  It is recommended that users use cvsup or cvs to checkout mports and src instead of csup at this time. 
