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Sat, 24 May 2008

2:28 AM - Live CD

I've been working on a new Live CD for MidnightBSD. It is based on
0.2-CURRENT from earlier in the month. It does not include X yet, but
has several other useful tools like lynx, bash, nano, screen, vim,
perl, and irssi. (also viteris for smultron)

The current version uses md devices for /root, /var and /usr/local/
etc. /etc is read only and I'd love suggestions on working around
that. unionfs is a no go, but I may end up making / a md to get
around it.

dhclient is run for several different network interfaces automatically
and i've hard coded my DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf since the file
system is read only for now.

The ISO is 264MB.

It is an i386 iso as that will run on most systems. I'm not sure what
the minimum memory requirements yet. I've been testing it in a vm
with 512MB RAM allocated.

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