Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Thu, 22 May 2008

12:38 AM - Mirror Sites

I added a new page to monitor the state of mirrors. As of yesterday, there is a timestamp file on each mirror that shows when it was last synced. The timestamp is updated every hour on the main server, and the freshness of mirrors is checked hourly as well. (about 20 minutes apart)

Note that ftp1, ftp2, and ftp3 are stargazer, ISC, and AllBSD.

As a side effect, I realized that the mirror was seriously out of date. For some reason the cronjob has been failing to rsync. I'm doing it manually now and will look at that when I get more free time. The amd64 release and snaps are now on that site as well as distfiles that have been added on the other servers.
