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Thu, 17 Jan 2008

5:44 PM - Magus build cluster

During December, we had to shutdown the build cluster for the holidays. In the mean time, many new computers were purchased and shuffled around at EMU. Systems were moved and disconnected. Today, I've restored access to 3 cluster nodes. Each node currently has 0.1.1 (snap) on it which was basically 0.1.1 release. I'm upgrading the nodes to 0.2. These nodes are labeled build1, build2 and build3. We also have a 0.1.1 node and the build master working.

At the same time, Chris has been working on rewriting parts of our cluster software to work better with multiple architectures as well as support multiple releases concurrently. When the cluster is back online, we'll have 9-10 nodes running on p4 chips with either 0.1.1 release or 0.2 current. The cluster build time will be slower, but we can test both branches. A full build took less than a day with all the nodes. Usually it was done in 10 hours. Based on the increase in ports and less nodes, I suspect it will take a day or so to do a run.

In addition to this work, I'm also planning on setting up two machines to do amd64 builds, and one or two machines for sparc64. Chris already had a sparc on current for this purpose.

The Eastern Michigan University computer science department has been quite generous giving us access to so many machines.
