Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Thu, 19 Jul 2007

1:10 AM - linux-firefox, lynx, links1 and links updated

There was a new version of firefox released (  I've updated our linux version.  I also checked on some of our other browser ports.  links1 was about 5 years out of date.  links and lynx also had newer versions.

Unrelated, I also fixed a bug that was causing current to fail to build.  I'm testing some changes to cpio to fix the make release problems.  I have a few more options if that is unsuccessful. 


2:27 AM - What are we doing?

Some people wonder about MidnightBSD commit activity. Now there is an easy way to follow the action.

You can also view commits from many different projects on #commits on freenode.

I just set this up a few minutes ago.
