Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Wed, 12 Nov 2003

10:21 AM - woo hoo

i have a math test coming up. I'm not excited about it. I am hoping today is the review day for it. Monday i didn't go to class, but we were supposed to cover the remainder of chapter 4. I am guessing my test is on friday after my dentist appointment. I will need to study tonight at parkview and tomorrow for the test them.

I upgraded the mysql admin today finally. It wasn't that old, but the new version has more support for the mysql build i'm using.

I still need to upgrade web based email. I'll do that another time.

I posted a lengthly article on fg about what i want to do with the site. I decided i need to start working on more projects and spend a little time on each. It might cheer me up. Plus i won't get stuck in one and not do my homework.

I got source to an asteroids rip off thats really good yesterday. It works on OSX, windows, and linux. (uses SDL) I want to hack it, make it OO, and add some new features to it. I want to make it more like some of my star trek games and i think i can do it.

My lunch is almost done. I have to eat so early now.

Midnight is sitting in caryn's computer chair again.

location: Home
