Lists all of the journal entries for the day.

Fri, 23 Feb 2007

11:34 AM - I hate antispam lists

I got blacklisted again. This list is annoying me. They keep blocking my mail server when they say they do not block real mail servers. WTF. I think its my secondary mx so i got rid of it. Hopefully that will clear things up. I also decided to upgrade sendmail just in case there was a problem. I've done open relay checks and most of the webapps should be clean. I can't figure it out.

(1 comment | )

12:50 AM - IBM kills smartsuite

According to this article, IBM will not be releasing a vista compatible version of smartsuite.


8:45 PM - Tomcat 5.5.20 bug...

Something must have changed with catalina defaults, but I'm having problems with tomcat unless x11 is running.  This fixed my problem:

" Add this line to the beginning of "":


And then restart Tomcat."


9:33 PM - Apache Tomcat 5.5.16-5.5.20 broken

Apache decided to give the finger to everyone who deploys anything (test env or otherwise) without a war file.  This breaks a LOT of web applications. 


9:36 PM - (no subject)

More apache fun
